Buying Short-Term Rental in Canmore 30 July 2024

Flip or Keep Your Vacation Rental

Choosing between flipping a property and investing in a vacation rental in Canmore depends on your personal investment goals, risk tolerance, and the amount of time and effort you’re willing to commit. Here’s a detailed comparison to help you make an informed decision:

Flipping a Property

What It Involves:

  • Purchase: Buy a property that needs renovation.
  • Renovate: Make improvements to increase the property’s value.
  • Sell: List the property for sale once renovations are complete.


  1. Potential for Quick Profit: Flipping can yield substantial profits within a relatively short timeframe—typically a few months to a year.
  2. High Demand in Canmore: Canmore’s robust real estate market and high demand for move-in-ready homes can lead to quick sales and potentially higher selling prices.
  3. No Ongoing Management: Unlike rental properties, flips don’t require ongoing property management, tenant relations, or maintenance once sold.


  1. Market Risk: Real estate markets can be unpredictable. Even in a strong market like Canmore, economic fluctuations or shifts in demand can impact your ability to sell quickly or at a desired price.
  2. Unexpected Costs: Renovations often come with unforeseen expenses and delays, which can erode profit margins. Managing these aspects requires careful planning and flexibility.
  3. Higher Taxes: Profits from property flips are subject to higher capital gains taxes, which can significantly reduce your net earnings. Consulting a tax professional can help you manage expectations.

Vacation Rental Property

What It Involves:

  • Purchase: Buy a property suited for short-term rentals.
  • Manage: Rent out the property to tourists, often using platforms like Airbnb or VRBO.
  • Maintain: Handle guest bookings, cleaning, and maintenance.


  1. Steady Income Stream: Vacation rentals in Canmore can provide a consistent income, especially during peak tourist seasons. This income can help cover mortgage payments, property taxes, and other expenses.
  2. Property Appreciation: Over time, the property may appreciate in value, offering long-term financial benefits. You can leverage the equity for future investments.
  3. Personal Use: You can use the property for personal vacations or block out dates for your own use, blending investment with leisure.
  4. Meet Diverse Travelers: As noted by Brian Percy from The Home Search, vacation rentals offer the chance to meet travelers from around the world, adding a unique dimension to property ownership.


  1. Management Effort: Managing a vacation rental involves marketing, handling bookings, cleaning, and dealing with guest issues. Hiring a property management company is an option, though it will impact your profits.
  2. Seasonal Income Fluctuations: Rental income can vary based on tourist seasons, with potential lower occupancy rates during off-peak times.
  3. Regulations and Taxes: Vacation rentals are subject to local regulations, zoning laws, and hospitality taxes. Ensuring compliance can be complex and requires ongoing attention.

Making the Decision

Consider Your Goals and Preferences:

  • Investment Goals: If you’re looking for a quick return and are comfortable managing renovations, flipping might be a suitable option. If you prefer a steady income stream and potential for long-term appreciation, a vacation rental could be a better fit.
  • Risk Tolerance: Flipping involves higher risks associated with market fluctuations and renovation costs. Vacation rentals involve managing ongoing operations and dealing with seasonal income variability.
  • Management Capabilities: Evaluate your willingness and ability to handle property management tasks or whether you prefer a more hands-off investment.

Get Started

Whether you’re interested in flipping properties or investing in vacation rentals in Canmore, expert guidance can help you make the most informed decision. Contact us to explore your options, understand the local market, and get assistance with your real estate investments. We’re here to support you in finding the right investment strategy to meet your financial goals and make the most of Canmore’s real estate opportunities.